Posted in Interviews

Interview with Kirsten Siebert

Since starting Creative Stream, I’ve been so blessed and happy to meet such creative people! I get super excited when people of all sorts of creative backgrounds or passions agree to being interviewed  by CS. Talented women and Director of TickyBox Media, Kirsten Siebert has had plenty of experience working her way up in the media world to finally reaching a point of owning her own Media Company. I was so glad she agreed on being interviewed by us. I love her attitude to life, people and her work.

1. I am sure there are many places and people you have seen?

I’ve been to a few places, the UK, Ireland, Canada, America, Zanzibar, Mozambique. And I’ve met quite a few celebrities to name a few – Ronan Keating, Simon Cowell, Avril Lavigne, Westlife, Snow Patrol, Josh Groban, Estelle, Fall Out Boy, Jamie Cullum.

2. How did you get where you are today?

I studied Film & Television broadcasting and then started at the bottom at a production company and slowly worked my way up one year at a time.

3. Have you ever thought of doing something completely off the wall different to what you currently doing?

My industry has so many different facets to it that you can either go corporate or creative. Every year is different so one year you might be doing a lot of corporate work and the next you are swimming with dolphins in Mozambique which is totally different to what you have been doing.

4. Who has been the most interesting person you have met?

Gary Lightbody the lead singer from Snow Patrol, he was just so down to earth and humble and had a lot of interesting things to say.

5. Being a people’s person, have you met difficult situations/people?

Yes I’m always coming across difficult people and situations. It’s important to let yourself get out of your comfort zone so you can experience new things. A few years back I was helping a friend on a shoot in a maximum security prison interviewing a serial killer. I’m quite a scaredy cat so that was quite difficult for me.

6. Can you tell us your passion about your line of work?

I’m very passionate about live television, there’s really nothing like it and live television directors have been often compared to heart surgeons as it’s a high pressured job where you have to make quick calculated decisions. It’s quite a rush every time you do a big show. I’m also very passionate about making films that will make people think and change something in their lives for the positive. There’s still so much for me to explore in my industry and that’s quite exciting.

7. What area forces you to be most creative?

I think corporate, as you always have to be creative with your budgets to get your vision across in the most affordable way, so you usually don’t have the money you need to do the work you want to, so you have to be creative in how you action it all.

8. Is there any other City you would dream of working in and why?

I would like to maybe work in Vancouver one day, I stayed in the city for a while when I was younger and they have a very strong television industry there that is supported by their government.

9. Is your home, your safe haven, a place to relax and escape too? Or can you tell us of some place else?

I am always happiest when I’m in nature, in a forest or mountains. It’s the only place I can recharge and not be distracted by any electronics.

10. What is a normal day like for you?

I would wake up in the morning go to gym and then come home for a big breakfast. I would then go to my office and check emails, send quotes and then go to M-Net for a shoot until late in the evening.

11. If you could have coffee with someone?

I would like to have coffee with Ellen DeGeneres, it would be not only a good time as she is very entertaining but she seems to be one of the most successful Woman of our time so I would like to tap into that.

12. In what area do you think you are most creative?

I honestly do not know what area I am most creative. Creativity is an odd thing and the world tells us what it is and why. I’m most creative when I am me. (I love her answer!)

13. What is the industry like?

The television industry is very segregated right now with pay tv channels and the government run tv channels. It’s cut throat and a lot of the time it’s not necessarily what you know because you can always learn but its down to who you know. I found it really hard to get into the industry but once I was in, the people around me looked after me and got me work. But it took eight months after college to get that first job.

14. In your home, do you have a favorite décor or art piece?


15. What is live television like compared to being able to edit a show?

Live television is what all the cool kids at school want – no homework. Live television is great as you may need to do a little work before a show but usually you get to studio with a pen and you plot your script with camera shots etc.. and then you do the show and go home. It’s over, no client approvals, no working through the night. You need to know exactly what you want and how to get it.

16. There must be stressful moments, can you tell us of one that has helped you grow in this field?

There have been so many moments and each one teaches you that pre production and planning is so important because if something goes wrong it’s because someone hasn’t thought about it or planned for it. When you working on a live television show, you are part of a team and if one person makes a mistake it will definitely affect you. It is not only checking your work but checking your colleagues and not knowing just your job but their’s as well.

Wow, I feel like Kirsten could write a book. (Maybe she will one day.) I feel like there is so much more to find out about her experiences in the world of media and production, tv and filming, that I hope to do another interview altogether!? I went on and asked her a few fun questions having only met her through email!

Skirts or trousers – Trousers
Black or grey – grey
Coffee or tea – coffee
Sea side holiday or mountain escape? Mountain escape
Read or listen? Listen
Heels or flats? Flats
Breakfast or not? Always breakfast 
Vintage or contemporary? Contemporary

Kirsten’s thoughts

Being behind the camera is a privilege that should be used wisely.      
Walk in the park is my fave thing to do on a Sunday.
To create a feeling on film is like seeing your parents smile when you have just won an award.
My dads cooking is the most delicious mouth watering dish I have ever eaten!
Happy is the place to be.
Love is knowing it’s forever.
Music, film and creativity is in every one of us.

Doesn’t her answers make you want to go out and meet her?! Well you can, go check out TickyBox Media on Facebook here and follow her blog here. She is also in Twitter.

Thank you Kirsten for allowing us to glimpse into your world and passion. Please let us know of any exciting ventures you want to share.

Posted in Interviews

Cocoa & Hearts

If you already follow Made By Girl, you will know of Jen Ramos and her new venture! Not only does she enjoy decor, graphics, style and fashion, but she is a talented creative! I love that she is in love with Jesus and I love that she is who she is. Being exposed to a lot of worldly attention and being a renown blogger & business owner, I have found that she has remained humble and sincere. I love that!

So, as encouraged by Jen, I would like to share with you, her new gallery Cocoa & Hearts! All paintings are her own and many are already sold! To reach a place in life where you fulfilling your dreams is such an amazing triumph, so well done Jen, you still amaze many and we behind you all the way!

Posted in Interviews

Creative – FRYD + DESIGN

There is nothing better than to see a fantastic blog with difference and with charm. Be it about decor, children, thoughts, financial, design, short stories…the list is endless, these blogs I read INSPIRE me to no end and I honestly feel that they could inspire you too! (If you don’t already follow them!) I love sharing the love, it’s waisted keeping it to yourself.

So this month my eyes fall on an incredibly inspiring person & her blog. I have read about the in’s and out’s on her world for over a year now. If you would like to see some wonderfully inspiring work, please go here and look at BY FRYD, I recommend a nice pot of tea, yummy coffee or a glass of wine as you will be there for some time paging through her online magazine. This was released a while ago but I never got the chance to post about it. You can also view her 2nd online mag.  2 BY FRYD here.

Jeanette is a women with such sincerity, she has a natural sense of peace and calm. She is a great photographer and she shares beautiful words. I like  the lay out and openness of how the blog looks. It’s not busy and load, rather it’s calm, gentle and gorgeous. Her words, as if she need not say too much because the blog has her heart stamped all over it, are written in such a magical way. I get inspired every time I read her blog and that is why I would like to recommend FRYD & DESIGN as our creative blog for April. Its delightful!

{Jeanette – It’s been a pleasure meeting you over email and I would like to thank you so much for allowing me to write a bit about you & your blog and use some of your photographs. You are a rocking creative!}

Posted in Interviews, Photography

Interview with Joanne Olivier


A few months back, I was introduced to a very creative and interesting talent ( look above). Though I have not met her in person, I feel inspired by her just by communicating through the world of media and email! Joanne is a photographer, writer, reader, music person as well as working on her  entertainment company TickyBox Media.

I LOVED her answers to my questions, chuckling to her sense of humour and realising how much passion she has for what she does, I thoroughly enjoyed reading about her. Enjoy her photographs and as with anyone I interview, please do not use their photographs without permission. I am sure they will be happy to rather hear from you!



 Photographs 1-4 -Shoot with Jane Wayne.


Tell us a bit about yourself? I’m a self-employed writer, photographer, reader, music person currently working at my own media entertainment company TickyBox Media.
How did you get where you are today? Belief in the fact that mediocre and ordinary was not acceptable. I’ve been an editor at a Youth Lifestyle Magazine, a label manager at Warner Music South Africa and now a successful Music Publicist, Photographer and writer. I’ve loved music from about the age 5 when my brother and I used to record videos off Popshop and dress up like Adam and The Ants. I guess arts, entertainment; writing has been in my blood since the womb. I have also been akin to reading heavy authors like Patrick White, Chekhov, Hermann Hesse, Bukowski, Camus and more. It has made me who I am.
 Does working in your field of expertise make you want to expand more and more? If so, where? Yes, completely. I left my job in the music industry after ten years because even though I loved music, I felt I needed to explore more aspects of my creativity and express myself in more ways. Now, everyday is a new challenge, as clichéd as that may sound – whether it is emotionally, creatively or career wise – trying to keep that proverbial wolf from the door. 
 Is there a favorite moment or two, which will always stick in your mind, having taken pictures of many interesting people? I always love taking pictures of the people close to me – family, friends, and capture them in a way unique even to them. Moments that have stuck out for me – going to Leeuwkop Maximum Prison working on a documentary. Myself and a few other crew members were in the yard with about 100 hardened criminals. It was an amazing eye opener, and an incredible photo opportunity and I had to try to forget the fact that these were people with a seriously sinister past. Also recently I went to Coronation Park to take some photographs of the people living there. The ‘Poor White’ settlement. It was incredibly sad, and incredibly moving. I like to teach myself with my photographs, and it helps me see life in different ways.  


  I love the sense I get from you, that you are what you are and say what you believe, is that true? And if so what photograph best describes you?  Yes, sometimes after a couple of glasses of wine I say too much. (smiley face).  I hate false people and pretensions.
 Tell us about your plans/ dreams for 2011. I just want to push myself in every way. Become a better photographer, finish a script, have some successful music projects and eventually start writing that book that I’ve been threatening to write my whole life.
 Being obviously creative, are there an other areas which you love being creative in besides writing, photography& music? I love kayaking, and being by the sea. I hate hiking, but I am being forced into going on a massive hike soon – The Whale Trail hike. At least I will be by the sea and be able to take some photos. I might even take my Ipod with.
 Name 3 musicians that you think rock on. 3 only? Are you serious?The Beatles, Radiohead, Ben Folds.
 Is there such a thing as a favorite song/artists? Or can you name a few? These are impossible questions for a music person……. A few off the top of my head….Favourite songs – Exit Music ( For A Film) – Radiohead – Lwt Down – Radiohead – A day In The Life – The Beatles – Brick – Ben Folds Five – Old and Wise – Alan Parsons Project – Both Sides Now – Joni Mitchell – Epilogue – The Antlers –


Above are some CD cover shots…go check out her Blog for more here.


  {A bit about Joanne}

……Paternoster is the best place to be in summer.
I don’t like Wilbur Smith ………. But I adore ………Patrick White
My camera is my sneaky little way of cheating death
………My Music Collection is a place I call home.
A holiday in Canada on one of those massive lakes…… sounds amazing right now.
The decor in my home is modern, arty and red. Mostly red.
If I could have coffee with Charles Bukowski,  I’d tell him I think we should rather go to a bar.

{Joanne’s choices}

Contemporary / vintage
Leather / suede
Vinyl / CD
Blck&wht / Color photography
Still / motion capturing
RED / Green
Typewriter / computer – Both 


Joanne, Thank you so much for sharing a bit about yourself and what you passionate about. Please let me know if you have any dates for exhibitions in the future, any new ventures, what you up to at TickyBox as well as if you ever write that book you been meaning too!

I have only managed to get a few of Joannes photographs on this post to share but Joanne is up to much more, so for those who want to see more of her work or read about what she is up to check out her blog here OR see her on Facebook here.  I recommend you follow her on twitter, she cracks me up!

Posted in Interviews, Photography

Interview with Jade Reidy


When Jade (the camera holding beauty) agreed to be interviewed by Creative Stream, I was thrilled. This is a women who not only presents herself as naturally ultra funky, but her photography oozes creativity and difference. So I am very pleased to reflect a bit on who and what Jade Reidy is about!  Jade is based in Johannesburg South Africa, she is the designer and creator of the Art Light box, she supplies canvas prints and is a specialized framer. With 10 years experience in the photographic industry, Jade has been active in Interior & Design shoots, Beauty, Fashion, Food photography as well as having travelled through commercial, events & special functions. Jade’s work has been featured in publications in and around South Africa and she has worked under a wide range of  top South African photographers.

 She created, manufactured and launched the first range of Art Light Boxes in 2006. In 2007 Jade started supplying canvas prints using only photography and photography art.  The Art Light box is a combination of Imagery, Light & Form which is a unique way to display your images whether old or new. Jade tries to be unique with her work and keeps a fresh eye without limiting photography, designs to one style. Each Light Box is custom-made from size, shape, finish, right to the images used. It is perfect for any residential or office space guaranteed to capture anyones eye. You can either choose from JR Photography’s Art photography file or add your own image. It’s also great for displaying any business portfolio. JR Photography has its own in-house service for all your personalized design requirements as well as an installation team. It is not only a great art piece but an energy-efficient light source as well. They are also available to rent for exhibitions or events.


{Pic1&2 Art Light boxes, Pic 3 Art photography}


” Having your photographs on canvas…is the ideal way to bring a contemporary style to your home or office space. The canvas print is stretched and block mounted so no need for any framing.”

{Pictures 3&4 are showing her canvas prints& a canvas print screen divider}

Jade has a great base of clients that she has either supplied art for or photographed for,including Unilever UK, AngloGold Ashanti SA, Thiskululu Social Investments and Sentula Mining SA.

{Questions} (Jade in picture above)

What are you up to at the moment at JR Photography? At the moment I am all over the place. Covering art work for corporate clients’ new offices, various shoots and expanding JR Photography’s image gallery with private shoots as well as working on new designs for art light boxes, which will be displayed, ready to take orders at the Homemakers expo in JHB. I am in the process of working closely with a company, Valde , who specialize in vinyl wall decor, it is a much more cost-effective and easy to apply than wall paper. Here I will supplying art work as well as imagery for the vinyls as well as show casing and producing new art light boxes. We are also in the process of expanding our client data base to hotels and corporates and interior designers throughout Africa doing both art work as well as photography. 

What is the market like in JHB? Very competitive.

You had a show in 2010, tell us about that? In Sept 2009, myself and 2 other friends came together to arrange an art exhibition. The idea behind this was that we were surrounded by friends and acquaintances that were all brilliant artists in their own right and this would be the opportunity to put themselves out there and have a chance to display their work. We were looking to exhibit on 4th ave in Parkhurst JHB and had approached a few places on the street but finally came across a lovely new funky space (a gallery & deli) called Passion owned by 2 young funky men Stuart Mc Kean and Sean Lane. We had arranged the exhibition there in their space in October that year, which was a great success. Subsequently we have formed a very good relationship with the guys from Passion both in business and friendship. In the beginning of 2010, over a social event, I in the process of locating a space for my photographic studio, was looking for a ‘funky’ area with passing trade. Plucking the brains of the guys who hosted our exhibition, two months later I found myself moving into Passion on 4th ave, Parkhurst and building a wall to create a space for my studio and became business partners with the guys.  Opening up JR Photography’s first photo studio. April 2010 was my launch of studio and exhibition of  work – Art light boxes, Canvas prints and display of photography. This too was a great success.

 Knowing your unique personal style and character, I know you would have met many people. Can you tell us who has been the most inspirational and why? Wow, there have been so many. One lady does stick out in my mind though. In 2005 I shot a lady for an article for a mag. Her nick name was Mama Africa, or at least I named her that.  Title of the article was ‘Women in Action’ . I remember being booked for a half day shoot but ended up only leaving into the eve. She came from nothing and grew up surrounded by many hardships. Her view in life was if you can dream it you can do it and while you are doing it, do it not only for yourself but for  the greater good. She created African dolls from materials she found lying around, which grew into a divine project where women who had come from the same background she had experienced to create hope. Now a thriving business, where she always gives back to the less fortunate. Her spirit and presence is one that I strive to imitate.

What is your best photograph or shoot thus far? Wow again there have been a few as each shoot is completely different leaving me with different and various feelings at the end but I must say that it was having the opportunity to capture the trip up to the Lake of stars music festival. It’s a 3 day festival based on the Malawi lake where international artists come together and perform. Money raised from the Lake of stars concert go to charity every year. I travelled with the international artists and journalists capturing their trip leaving from JHB, though Mozambique ending in Malawi. 3000km in 3 days. All in all it was an amazing experience meeting beautiful people not only the artists but also the locals, esp in Malawi itself.

What in your opinion, makes a good photographs? Apart from the technical side of the photo, lighting composition rules etc, I think a good photo is one that provokes emotion as well as if the viewer walks away remembering the image, to me that’s a good photograph.

Most people love photographs as they capture memories & create a mood.Has there been a photograph you just had to take to capture that ambience? Yes indeed, there has been 2. One where I lived previously on the 16th floor. I had the most amazing view no matter how many images I took, it didn’t capture what I was seeing, except for one. It was after a huge JHB storm and the sun was setting. I have never seen the sky as beautifully lit up as I did that day, somehow I got it right then and could not draw myself away from photographing the scene. The second image was in Malawi during the Lake of stars fest. We were interviewing the host and were surrounded by the beautiful locals and kids, near the end of the day. There were a few beautiful kids just standing around taking it all in, watching what was happening. The sun was setting behind her African sky’s. Beautiful. It just expressed the whole mood of the day and events. I shot it and ended up being a beautiful silhouette.

Do you have a fave photographer or someone who inspires you? Annie Leibovitz. She grew up with a camera in her hand and has photographed amazing famous icons and has an amazing style. I love photographing nature and will find most of my photographic art is that of nature as well as capturing the moment, a photo that is not planned or thought through, it simply presents itself.  In one of  Annie Leibovitz interviews she said these 2 things that stuck out in my  mind and could totally relate to: the one was’ “Nature is so powerful, so strong. Capturing its essence is not easy – your work becomes a dance with light and the weather. It takes you to a place within yourself.” and “Sometimes I just like photographing the surface because I think it can be as revealing as going to the heart of the matter.”

Do you travel alot with your photography and if not, would you desire too? I do sometimes travel with my photography but not nearly enough as I would like to. I do love traveling and seeing new places and different things so I would like to integrate it more into my career of photography, if I could.

JR Photography – what sets it apart from the rest? I think it is the fact that JR Photography is not just photography, offers more of a creative and personal (to the client) spin. I try to be uniquely creative in everything I shoot and do, be it different angles and or subject matter and also like keeping a fresh eye without limiting myself  to one specific field. Generally I see things from a different view to most.

{Jade’s choices}

Black & White / colour
Portrait / landscape
Planned / Spontaneous photos
Natural / Studio light
Canon / Nikon (Nikon digital and canon film camera)
Darkroom / Digital (but I do digital)

 {Jade’s Words}

Outdoors within nature…is a place I go to relax.
Today is going to be a fabulous day.
My home is where I put my feet up.
My camera is my baby.
My best holiday was when I went to Germany to visit my mate & Santorini for my cousins wedding all in 3 weeks.
Out in nature is when I love capturing images.
I dream of going on a trip working for national Geographic mag.
Wish I could have coffee with The Beetles, if they were still around as a band.
You will always find me in my kitchen dancing!!!


Above  is one of Jade’s Canvas prints in home photographed for Home Owner magazine.

Where can people find you? I have a website called jrphotography and on facebook.